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Non-standard automation equipment manufacturing is not simple

Release time: 2017-06-27 7:50:09

Source: Ningbo Eagle Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd

Non-standard automation equipment, also belong to the field of automation, but the difference is that its production is not as simple as standard equipment production. Dongguan Zhongchuan automation mainly produces all kinds of bit machine, labeling film non-standard equipment, with more than 10 years of industry experience.

Non-standard automation equipment is customized according to customer demand for non-standard class of automation equipment, according to the requirements of enterprise users process design, custom automation machinery and equipment, its easy to operate, flexible not single, the function according to the user's request Add, can be changed to large, commonly used in industrial, electronics, medical, health and aerospace and other fields.

In recent years, with the continuous expansion of market demand, more and more enterprises began to participate in this industry.

Recommended products Keywords: Cixi vibration plate Ningbo vibration plate vibration plate non-standard vibration plate non-standard equipment non-standard automation

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