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Precautions for use of vibration disk controller

Release time: 2017-06-05 13:14:48

First, in the installation and connection operation, you must cut off the power.

Second, the controller input terminal IN must be properly grounded. The output terminal OUT terminal must be connected to the vibration plate housing.

Third, pay attention to the use of voltage products! AC 110V ~ 22OV controller can not be used to connect to AC 380V voltage, otherwise it will cause the machine can not be restored damage!

Fourth, the output waveform control selection (full wave / half wave) conversion, be sure to cut off the power.

Fifth, the controller should be used in a good ventilation and cooling environment, the ambient temperature of -20 ℃ ~ 40 ℃ is appropriate.

Sixth, the controller should not be in the open environment, moisture, steam, corrosion, flammable gases, liquids, floating dust and metal particles in the environment.

Seventh, the controller is only used to drive electromagnetic vibration feeding equipment, not for other purposes.

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