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What is the noise of the vibrating plate?

Release time: 2017-06-14 8:19:48

We all understand that if the material is relatively large, then the noise may be relatively large. In order to have a quiet working environment we all ask: how to reduce the noise of the vibration plate?

The following vibration vibration plate for everyone to explain the vibration of the big noise how to do!

In fact, junior high school physics have learned that there are three ways to reduce noise:

1. Eliminate noise from noise sources;

2. Eliminate the way in which the noise is transmitted;

3. plug the ear.

Obviously the vibration plate to reduce noise can only reduce the noise from the transmission. The easiest way is to do the noise cover.

Material: aluminum, a few glass, sealing tape, lotus leaf and so on.

Method: the aluminum profile made slightly larger than the vibration plate cube box, in all sides with plexiglass, the top of a surface with lotus leaf link, the box installed inside the sealing tape.

This is a simple noise cover to do the success. And the effect of noise is quite obvious.

In fact, this thing everyone has their own way, but the principles are similar, I hope everyone to exchange, together to reduce the noise of the vibration plate two efforts ah!

See here I think you should be very clear vibration of the big noise how to do it?

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